Lies I Tell Myself that Stop Me From Working Out


I was a gymnast my entire life.  Then a college cheerleader.  Then a figure competitor.  Then I married a bodybuilder.  Then somewhere between 32 and 35 I was like “yeah, I’m just gonna work a lot and workout occasionally and come up with A LOT of excuses of why I can’t keep up with my physical best shape anymore because what’s more fun than swimming in excuses while not feeling at your best?”  Oh, probably buying jeans a couple sizes larger than desired . . . that’s what.

Today is October 2, 2017 which means it’s the last 90 days of the 2017.  Inspired by Rachel Hollis of The Chic Site, she is challenging her tribe of followers to really bring their A-game these #last90days.  Instead of writing off the rest of the year with promises to change on January 1, she’s challenging us to do it now and start 2018 on a high.  I’ll drink that Kool-Aid (sans sugar) and bring it <<two snaps>>.  It’s time to shift my focus back on my health and feeling fab.  So I’d invite you to join in the fun too and I hope my storytelling and sharing inspires you to be real with yourselves too and do whatever it is you have to do to turn around 2017 in these last 90 days.

I strongly believe we cannot change our habits, whether it’s resorting back to good habits we once had or starting new habits, without first addressing the excuses and lies we tell ourselves.  So, here we go (yup, this isn’t uncomfortable to post at all) so I can move forward the next 89 days. . .



I’m too tired:  I’ve worked from the minute my eyes open and left the office late.  I can’t possibly get the energy to do a workout and people should understand this.

I shouldn’t have to:  Somewhere I became entitled.  It shouldn’t be this hard for me.  I somehow secretly deserve this to be easy.  I shouldn’t have to work so hard for this.  I put in my time in the gym.  This should be given to me.

I am burnt out:  I have been in a gym since I was four years old (see “Point Your Toes” chapter in my book), I can’t be in the gym one more minute because I am so over it.

I will start on Monday:  (see “Diet Starts Monday” chapter in my book).  I will just eat whatever I want this weekend because on Monday I am going to crush it.  I will work harder than you’ve ever seen before in your life.  Except when Monday is full of meetings and I woke up later than I wanted and then made plans on Monday evening.  But . . . NEXT Monday, yeah, that’ll be my Monday.

I don’t fit in the workout clothes I like:  I feel worse about myself when I wear these frumpy clothes to workout and it’s so defeating I can’t fit into all the expensive workout clothes I have.  So, it’s easier to just avoid it altogether.

There’s no real repercussion if I don’t do it:  I may gain 5-10lbs, but I’m okay with that — I work so hard otherwise.  It may cause me to have meltdowns in the morning when I can’t fit into my favorite clothes, but does anyone even care?  I can just deal with it.

I’ll never get back to where I want to be, so why even try a little bit:  I’ll never achieve my goals.  I will workout hard for awhile and it will be a waste of time because there’s no way I can fit back in the pants I want to so why waste the time?

Traffic defeated me:  Anyone who sits in traffic as long as I do would give up on it too.  Who is motivated after an hour of stopped traffic?  And now I’m hungry too.

I forgot my stuff:  I forgot a snack.  I forgot my water.  I forgot my tennis shoes.  I packed that one sports bra but I hate that one and don’t want to wear it.  I forgot my headphones.  My phone isn’t charged.

I ate bad:  I ate bad, so who feels like working out?  And if I don’t work out, I might as well just eat bad to make myself feel better.

All these other things are more important:  But someone needs me.  And I have that work thing.  And I haven’t hung out with so-and-so for awhile.  These are people and real things and working out can just wait.

It’s easier for the people doing it:  They don’t have the same stressors I do.  Their life is easier.  They would quit if they were me too.

It won’t actually make me feel better:  I’ll feel better if I get these other things done instead.  I know I’ve said in the past that nothing compares to feeling physically good, but I must’ve been making that up — I can’t even imagine feeling that way.  I’ll just feel better if I go home and get some of these other things done on my plate.

Any of these familiar to you?  Time to let these go.
