Five to Thrive


For the last year-ish, I’ve been following Rachel Hollis on social media.  She’s the creator of The Chic Site, author, blogger, a former regular on Home and Family, and has a long list of random and funny YouTube videos that can keep you entertained for days if you catch her string of “Rach Talk” shows.  I stumbled upon some of her silly YouTube videos last year and have found her so relatable.  Fast-forward to this year, I am counting down the days until I attend her first-ever conference, RISE, which will be held in Austin, TX. . . yee haw!  I plan to be her real-life best friend forever by mid-June.  I actually already refer to her at home as if we’re best friends.  “Oh, I wanted to try this (insert any product) because Rachel Hollis said it’s good for (insert anything Rachel says).”

This year, Rachel (we’re obviously on first name basis), has been doing Facebook live streams nearly every weekday with about 30 minutes of motivational talk, or whatever comes up based on people’s comments.  I am at work when she goes live so I typically listen to the replay on my way home, but I have caught one live when I had a day off and she both said my name and read my comment <<flips hair back>>.  One of the things she started challenging her listeners to do, or “tribe” as she refers to us, was “Five to Thrive.”  These are five things Rachel feels like are essential to thrive, and things that have worked for her:

  • Drinking half your body weight (in ounces) of water every day
  • Exercising at least 30 minutes a day, every day
  • Giving up one category of food that you know is not good for you
  • Getting up one hour earlier each day to spend time doing something for yourself
  • Writing down 10 things you’re thankful for every day


You know I love goals.  You know I love a list.  You know I love self-improvement!  So you know I love this idea.

I started thinking about if I had to make a list of “Five to Thrive” of my own, what would those be?  What are five things that keep me thriving, when I’m thriving?  And here’s what I’ve come up with in addition to Rachel’s list:

  • Get to work and all subsequent plans early
  • Go to bed by 10 p.m.
  • Laugh really hard at least one time a day
  • Talk to some combination of parents, grandparents, and friends every day
  • Eat clean


When you’re thriving, what are your “Five to Thrive?”